Starting March 2024, Here’s the Scheme for Transferring Civil Servants & PPPK to IKN News – 2 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Minister for Administrative Reform and Reform (PAN-RB) Azwar Anas revealed that he had prepared a simulation of moving ASN to IKN, East Kalimantan. The transfer will be carried out in stages in March, July and August 2024.

Although according to him the transfer of ASN depends on the completion of the building being built.

“We will make a simulation in March, July, August, we will adjust for those who move. The first stage is from 1,200 to 3,200 depending on the completion of the building there,” said Azwar at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Monday (20/11/2023 ).

When asked about which ministries and positions would be transferred first to IKN, Azwar Anas did not want to go into detail. However, according to him, almost every ministry has several positions that will be moved, including ministers.

Once again, Azwar Anas emphasized that the transfer of ASN to IKN will wait until the infrastructure at IKN is ready to be used.

“We’ve had an exercise, yes, in almost every ministry there are positions that have been moved, some were earlier, some weren’t, we’ve had the exercise, FGDs with KL. The point is that once the place is ready, we’ll have it ready,” he said.

Apart from that, this PDIP politician also revealed that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had asked him and other relevant ministries to discuss the amount of incentives for ASN who want to move to IKN.

“Including incentives for those who will move to IKN, including the families of children who will live there. Including the cost and moving index at IKN,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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