Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Selection of Candidates for State Civil Servants (CASN) for Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) is still ongoing. Currently, the selection process has almost reached the Basic Competency Selection or SKD stage.
The SKD is preceded by final data withdrawal which will be carried out on 29-31 October 2023. Next, the State Civil Service Agency will schedule the SKD on 1-4 November 2023. Only on 5-8 November 2023 will the list of participants, time and place for the selection be announced. .
Meanwhile, the SKD test itself will be carried out from 9 to 18 November 2023. Processing of the test results will last for 3 days, namely on 16-19 November 2023 and the results will be announced on 20-22 November 2023.
Types of Tests and Passing Thresholds
The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) has also set the SKD threshold value for CPNS. For general needs applicants, this year the highest cumulative score is 550.
Like the previous year, the questions were divided into three, namely the National Insight Test (TWK), General Intelligence Test (TIU), and Personal Characteristics Test (TKP). TWK, which consists of 30 questions, has a passing threshold of 65.
Meanwhile, TIU which consists of 35 questions has a threshold of 80. And TKP which consists of 45 questions has a threshold of 166.
The TIU and TWK question material has a correct answer weight of 5. If they answer incorrectly or don’t answer, the participant gets a score of 0. The TKP material has an answer scale as low as 1 and as high as 5. If you don’t answer the TKP question, the score is 0.
“SKD is carried out for a duration of 100 minutes,” wrote PANRB Ministerial Decree No. 651/2023 concerning the SKD Threshold Value for Procurement of Civil Servants for the 2023 Fiscal Year.
Material Leaks
The National Insight Test contains questions regarding the participant’s knowledge of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The knowledge in question includes the state system, history of struggle, Indonesian language skills and Indonesia’s role in regional and global scope.
The test will assess the continuity of CPNS participants’ answers to the basic values ​​contained in the 4 pillars of nationality, namely Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and the Republic of Indonesia.
The General Intelligence Test will test participants’ abilities and mastery of general knowledge material. The material is divided into logical thinking abilities, numerical abilities, verbal abilities and analytical thinking abilities.
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The Personal Characteristics Test (TKP) assesses mastery of knowledge and abilities in the implementation of public services, work networks, social culture, information and communication technology, professionalism and anti-radicalism.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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Note! Complete 2023 CPNS Test Selection Schedule Leaked