Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Gout is arthritis that can affect anyone. This disease, which is also known as hyperuricemia, is characterized by increased uric acid levels in the body so that they exceed normal limits.
According to the Mayo Clinic, gout can occur suddenly with symptoms of burning of the big toe and intense joint pain, the joint feels hot, red, swollen, making it difficult to move.
Usually, gout can occur due to the food consumed by the sufferer. High purine foods found in red meat and offal can be one of the causes of gout.
Reporting from Everyday Health, purines are compounds found naturally in several foods. After receiving purine intake, the body will produce waste in the form of uric acid.
So, what foods and drinks should gout sufferers avoid?
1. Beer
Beer is one of the ‘haram’ drinks for gout sufferers. This is because the yeast contained in beer can cause a reaction and increase uric acid levels in the body.
Apart from containing lots of purines, beer also slows down the process of eliminating uric acid through urine. Beer increases uric acid by 6.5 percent. In fact, non-alcoholic beer increases it by 4.4 percent.
“Beer is a drink that is strictly prohibited for people with gout,” emphasized University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Professor, Lona Sandon, quoted from Everyday Health, Thursday (9/11/2023).
2. Red Meat
Beef, lamb and pork are on the list of foods that gout sufferers should avoid because they contain high levels of purine. As an alternative, Sandon advises gout sufferers to consume white poultry meat.
“You won’t see as many problems with poultry as with red meat,” Sandon said.
3. Seafood (Seafood)
A number of seafood or seafood are known to contain high purine substances, one of which is fish. The types of fish that gout sufferers should avoid are anchovies, cod, haddock, herring, mackerel, mussels, fish eggs, sardines, scallops and trout.
“Salmon is a seafood that is good for gout sufferers,” said Sandon.
Apart from fish, seafood, such as crab, lobster, oysters and shrimp, you should also be wary of because they contain purines, even in moderate amounts.
4. Several Types of Vegetables
Vegetables are known as food that is good for the body. However, it turns out that there are a number of vegetables that contain purines and that gout sufferers should be wary of, namely asparagus, spinach, cauliflower, peas and mushrooms.
5. Fructose
Similar to vegetables, fruit is also known to be good for body health. However, fructose, which is a natural sweetener in fruit, needs to be avoided by gout sufferers. Because, researchers report that there is a correlation between foods high in fructose and gout symptoms.
Thus, gout sufferers are advised to avoid excessive consumption of apples, peaches, pears, plums, grapes and dates. Apart from fruit, also avoid drinks that contain high fructose corn syrup. Instead, consume mineral water or fruit juice without added sweeteners.
6. Dairy Products
Full-fat dairy products, such as whole milk and ice cream, are taboo for gout sufferers. Instead, consume products that contain low-fat or fat-free milk, such as cheese, yogurt, milk and low-fat versions of ice cream.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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