MUI Fatwa Boycotts Pro-Israel Products, Check the List on This Site! Tech – 18 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Israel relentlessly attacks Gaza. To date, more than 11,000 Palestinians have died in the fighting.

Israel still rejects the international community’s recommendations for a ceasefire. As a result, calls for a boycott of Israeli products have become widespread in various parts of the world.

In Indonesia, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) issued Fatwa Number 83 of 2023, containing the Law of Support for Palestine.

In this Fatwa it is stated that supporting the struggle for Palestinian independence against Israeli aggression is obligatory.

On the other hand, supporting Israel is haram. However, the fatwa does not state that it is haram to buy certain products or prohibit certain products.

In this way, the MUI fatwa does not forbid certain products, but rather forbids actions that support Israel.

On social media, the Bdnaash site went viral, which serves to see what brands or products support Israel. So, how do you use it?

How to Use Bdnaash Site

– Open the page or visit the following link.

– Enter the name of the company or brand you want to find out in the search column provided

– Click ‘OK’

– The site will show whether the brand is pro Israel or not

If the brand you enter is registered as supporting Israel, the screen will display a red box with the words ‘this brand supports Israel occupation’ (this product supports Israel). Meanwhile, if the company is not registered, a green box appears with the words ‘no record found on this brand’.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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