Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Candidate pair for President and Vice President Ganjar Pranowo – Mahfud MD will certainly take part in the 2024 presidential election contest.
In the 33 page vision and mission entitled Towards a Superior Indonesia, Move Quickly to Realize a Just and Sustainable Maritime Country. This candidate pair also revealed a number of targets in the economic sector, including economic growth of up to 7%, creating 17 million new jobs and reducing the poverty rate to 2.5% by 2029. So how realistic is the promise offered by Ganjar-Mahfud?
For complete details, watch Maria Katarina’s dialogue with Reyhan Noor, Young Director of Politics 5.0 TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Heru Dewanto, Executive Secretary of TPN Ganjar Mahfud, Executive Director of CORE Indonesia Muhammad Faisal and Chief Economist CNBC Indonesia Anggito Abimanyu on CNBC Indonesia’s Your Money Your Vote Program, Wednesday (8 /11/2023).