Using Hydrogen, RI Can Reduce Oil Imports News – 2 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – PT PLN (Persero) revealed green hydrogen (green hydrogen) has the potential to be the fuel of the future in the transportation sector. The reason is, the use of this new energy source will save on imports of crude oil and fuel oil (BBM).

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said that national oil needs are currently around 1.5 million barrels per day (bpd). Meanwhile, domestic oil production is only around 600 thousand bpd.

“This means that most of it is imported. So this converts imported energy into domestic energy, clean fossil fuel energy because it is green hydrogen, plus it also converts expensive energy into cheap energy,” he said at the inauguration of PLN’s GHP at the Tanjung PLTGU Priok, Jakarta, Monday (20/11/2023).

In addition, Darmawan noted that the distance traveled by cars using green hydrogen fuel consumes less fuel when compared to oil-fueled cars.

For example, for a distance of 400 km, a petrol car requires at least a fuel consumption of up to 40 liters. This is assuming that 1 liter of fuel can cover a distance of 10 km.

Meanwhile, for cars fueled by green hydrogen, one fill can cover a distance of up to 800 km. The distance traveled is even longer when compared to an electric car.

“What does this mean, if you go to the office, go home from work about 50 km, this can be 16 days without emissions, so this hydrogen car is different from an electric car in that the distance traveled is much, much longer than an electric car, so this is one of the scenario options “how can we reduce greenhouse gas emissions for the transportation sector,” he explained.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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