Scarlett Johansson Angry Her Face and Voice Imitated by AI Tech – 8 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Oscar-nominated actress Scarlett Johansson is taking legal action because her face and voice were imitated by AI. He was angry and sued the AI ​​application developer for using facial and voice similarities in an advertisement without permission.

The 22-second ad promotes an AI image editor called Lisa AI: 90s Yearbook & Avatar, which reportedly uses AI-generated versions of Johansson’s voice and images.

The ad features an original clip of Johansson backstage at Black Widow, captioned “What’s up guys? This is Scarlett and I want you to come with me…”. It then moves on to AI-generated photos and cloned versions of its voices promoting AI applications.

In the show there is small print that states “Image created by Lisa AI. This has nothing to do with this person.”

After the lawsuit was filed, the ad in question no longer appeared on Twitter. However, some Lisa AI applications created by Convert Software remain in the App Store and Google Play.

Johansson’s lawyer, Kecin Yorn, said that his client handled this situation according to legal capacity and that his party did not take mock cases using AI technology lightly.

“With the actions we usually take in situations like this, we will handle it with all the legal remedies we have,” he said as quoted by EngadgetMonday (6/11/2023).

Johansson has one of the most famous faces and voices in Hollywood. He is even a spokesperson for high-end companies including Dolce & Gabbana and Louis Vuitton.

The idea of ​​using AI to imitate celebrities’ likenesses is a relatively new phenomenon, so the legal ramifications are still being worked out.

While this is still a legal gray area, several states in the US have relevant laws around privacy rights, one of which is California which allows civil lawsuits for unauthorized use in advertising or promotions of “name, voice, signature, a photograph, or likeness” of a person.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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