New Rules for Collecting Pinjol Debts, Debt Collectors Must Follow Tech – 13 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has new regulations that must be obeyed by companies providing financial technology (fintech), including debt collectors.

These regulations are in the roadmap for developing and strengthening Information Technology-Based Joint Funding Services, which regulates provisions for organizers and consumer protection.

Chief Executive for Supervision of Financing Institutions, Venture Capital Companies, Microfinance Institutions and Other Financial Services Institutions (PVML) OJK Agusman said that every organizer is obliged to explain the procedures for returning funds to their debtors or customers. Apart from that, there are also provisions and ethics in the billing process.

“In billing, organizers ensure that billing personnel must comply with billing ethics,” he said, quoted Monday (11/13/2023).

Furthermore, organizers are prohibited from using threats, forms of intimidation, and other negative things including elements of SARA in the billing process.

In fact, OJK will also set a collection time for organizers from debtors, a maximum of 20.00 local time.

“So it’s not 24 hours. The maximum is until 8 pm,” he stressed.

Agusman also emphasized that organizers must be responsible for all billing processes. This means that debt collectors or collection services that have a contract with the organizer are under the responsibility of the organizer.

“So if there is a suicide case, the organizers are responsible.” he concluded.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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