Listen! Latest News on Single Salary Civil Servants, When Does It Apply? News – 2 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government admits that implementing a single salary policy for state civil servants (ASN), including civil servants, is not easy to implement, because it is related to fiscal conditions, as well as at the regional government level.

The Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Bappenas is still working on implementing this policy together with the Ministry of PANRB and the Ministry of Finance. There are no signs of this policy being implemented in the near future.

Plt. Ministry Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas Taufik Hanafi explained that because the policy has large fiscal implications, the policy discussion process is still ongoing at the relevant ministries or institutions. Because the concept avoids income inequality between central and regional agencies.

“Regional fiscal capacity varies, some are strong, some may be limited. So, for example, if the policy is the same, it means that there must be treatment for regions with limited fiscal capacity, that is not something that is easy,” said Taufik when met at his office, Jakarta, Monday. (20/11/2023).

Therefore, he emphasized, the government does not want to rush into implementing this policy at this time, because it also wants to maintain the finances of various agencies, including in the regions so that there is no sentiment that has arisen as so far that regional finances will be disrupted, causing some regions to go bankrupt. due to the burden of employee salaries.

“That’s why this means that this must be done carefully so as not to have long-term implications like before (bankruptcy),” stressed Hanafi.

He can only confirm that the single salary concept currently being designed is to create a single salary component from the various allowances for ASN so that there is no more inequality between agencies like there is now. One of them is avoiding the perception that there is a sultan’s ministry because it receives a higher performance allowance or tukin than other agencies, even though the workload is the same.

“Therefore, the discussion is still in progress, of course with the spirit of single salary, it is hoped that vertical and horizontal inequality can gradually be reduced,” said Taufik.

He also reminded that the implementation of the single salary policy is also likely not to be included in the draft government regulations (RPP) regarding the management of ASN employees, which is a derivative of Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning ASN or the latest ASN Law replacing Law No. 5/2014.

“Not necessarily (included in the RPP). So this is what we hope in the discussion, not only in terms of the concept, regarding how the implementation strategy will be, including the appropriate regulatory framework, what the regulatory framework will be like,” said Taufik.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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