Coal Contribution Collection Will Be Managed by 3 RI Banks News – 1 hour ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) said that there are three state-owned banks that will be appointed as Management Agency Partners (MIP) tasked with collecting coal fees from mining companies. The three are Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI and Bank BRI.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif confirmed that the formation of partner management agencies is currently still waiting for the process of finalizing the draft presidential regulations (perpres). However, in managing the coal compensation fund (DKB), the government has prepared 3 state-owned banks.

“The BUMN candidates who will be appointed as partner management agencies for DKB collection and distribution activities are 3 banks, Bank Mandiri Bank BNI and then Bank BRI,” said Arifin at a Joint Working Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, Tuesday (21/11/2023).

According to Arifin, all MIP candidates agreed to use the dashboard system developed by Bank Mandiri (eDKB system), and agreed not to include leading banks.

Meanwhile, technical instructions (juknis) for work flow and responsibilities between Management Agencies (IP) and MIP will be regulated in detail in (RPermen/RKepmen ESDM).

Meanwhile, when DKB is collected, royalties are still subject to obligation, while when DKB is distributed to domestic coal suppliers, VAT is subject to VAT obligations. The e-DKB system will be integrated with the e-PNBP system in the DKB collection and distribution implementation scheme.

“Coal coking coal MIP obligations are excluded but DMO is still required, so regulations still need to be regulated regarding fines and compensation obligations for DMO,” said Arifin.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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