Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Presidential candidate (candidate) Anies Baswedan appointed NasDem DPP Chairman Ahmad Ali to be head coach of the Anies-Imin Winning National Team (Timnas AMIN) in the 2024 presidential election.
“The head coach who will be on duty is Mr. Ahmad Ali,” said Anies on Jalan Diponegoro Number 10, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (21/11/2023).
Anies said the head coach would be assisted by assistant coaches, namely PKB Deputy General Chair Jazilul Fawaid, as well as PKS politicians Tamsil Linrung and Ahmad Heryawan.
“To be able to give the best performance, it is the head coach who will accompany and direct,” he said.
Apart from that, Anies announced the names of the members of the AMIN National Team Advisory Council, including General Chair of Pemuda Pancasila Yapto Soerjosoemarno, former Governor of DKI Jakarta and Head of BIN Sutiyoso, and senior PKS politician Hidayat Nurwahid.
Anies and Cak Imin announced the names of the captain and co-captain of the AMIN National Team some time ago. The captain of the AMIN National Team is held by former Head of Basarnas Muhammad Syaugi.
Syaugi was accompanied by 12 co-captains, secretary general, treasurer and national legal team.
Anies said that Amin’s national team was deliberately formed like a football team. He hopes that his team can fill each other’s roles to win AMIN in the upcoming presidential election.
“This is like a football team. There is a line up. But when it comes to a match, anyone can kick the ball. This is a line up whose hope is to expand the movement,” said Anies.
The following is a complete list of the AMIN National Team structure that was previously announced:
– Captain Muhammad Syaugi Alaydrus
– Co-captain 1: Sudirman Said
– Co-captain 2: Thomas Trikasih Lembong
– Co-captain 3: Al Muzzammil Yusuf
– Co-captain 4: Nihayatul Wafiroh
– Co-captain 5: Azrul Tanjung
– Co-captain 6: Nasirul Mahasin
– Co-captain 7: Leontinys Alpha Edison
– Co-captain 8: Yusuf Muhammad Martak
– Co-captain 9: Ki KRT H Lebdo Nagoro Anom Suroto (KI Anom Suroto)
– Co-captain 10: Muhammad Jumhur Hidayat
– Co-captain 11: Maksum Faqih
– Co-captain 12: Suyoto
– Secretary General: Novita Dewi
– Treasurer: Gede Widiade
– National Legal Team: Ari Yusuh Amir
The 2024 presidential election will involve three candidate pairs who will compete. They are Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming.
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[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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