6 Signs that WhatsApp is Blocked by Others Tech – 24 minutes ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – WhatsApp numbers that are blocked by other people have several signs or characteristics.

When blocked, you cannot contact the user in any way. There will be no notifications or any notifications when you are blocked.

The platform explained that there were only a few indicators that contacts had been blocked by users.

WhatsApp provides a note if the signs are made ambiguous. The company argued that this step was taken in the context of privacy and would not notify users who had been blocked by other people.

“We’ve intentionally made this ambiguous to protect your privacy when you block someone. That way we can’t tell you if you’ve been blocked by someone else.” explained WhatsApp.

In general, there are six signs that someone has blocked your number. Here’s the information:

1. No Profile Photo

If you see someone without a profile photo, it could be that your contact has been blocked by that person. But another possibility, the user hides the profile photo or your number is not saved which makes the profile photo invisible.

2. Checklist One

One sign that a message has been successfully sent is that there are two ticks in the sent message section. Some users also use the two blue tick settings.

You may have been blocked if you don’t see one of these signs when you message someone. However, another possibility is that the person does not have internet access or does not have a quota.

3. Last Seen Status

A sign that someone is blocked is not being able to see the Last Seen feature on a contact. Last Seen is information that shows when a user is active on WhatsApp.

These characteristics could also mean other possibilities. Users can disable Last Seen, so that other people cannot see it.

4. Can’t be called

Contacts that cannot be called are also signs that they have been blocked. The status will be ‘calling’ instead of ‘ringing’ when called using WhatsApp.

But this could also mean that the person does not have an internet package or is in a network area where the internet cannot be accessed.

5. Can’t see WA status

Another characteristic is that you cannot see someone’s WhatsApp Status. However, there are other possibilities, for example the user is activating the Private Status feature for only a few people.

6. Cannot be downloaded to group

The last one is related to groups. You may have been blocked if you can’t invite someone to your WhatsApp group.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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