08:58 Video PLN Icon Plus Move to Bring Fast Internet to Remote Areas of RI Tech – 8 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- PLN Icon Plus as a Reliable Broadband Internet Service Solution is strongly committed to encouraging the expansion and distribution of internet services to all corners of Indonesia.

President Director of PLN Icon Plus, Ari Rahman Indra Cahyadi, revealed that the task of PLN Icon Plus as a subsidiary of PLN is to utilize assets spread throughout Indonesia which can be used to expand internet service coverage.

What is the role and strategy of PLN Icon Plus in equalizing internet services? For complete details, see Bramudya Prabowo’s dialogue with the Main Director of PLN Icon Plus, Ari Rahman Indra Cahyadi in Profit,CNBCIndonesia (Wednesday, 25/10/2023)

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Originally posted 2023-10-25 04:38:39.