Note! These are the Symptoms of Diabetes in Men and Women Lifestyle – 3 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by increased blood sugar levels above normal limits. This disease is caused by the body lacking the hormone insulin or not being able to maximize insulin function.

If it is detected too late or does not receive immediate treatment, diabetes can cause serious health problems and threaten the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves.

Generally, men are more susceptible to blood sugar disease than women. However, diabetes can attack anyone regardless of age and gender.

Reporting from Medical News Today, even though they experience the same general symptoms, it turns out that there are several specific differences in the symptoms of diabetes between women and men. So, what are the symptoms of diabetes in men and women? Here’s the summary.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Men

1. Erectile Dysfunction

According to Medical News Today, one of the typical symptoms of diabetes in men is having difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection. According to studies, as many as 75 percent of men with diabetes experience erectile dysfunction.

“Nerves and blood vessels are very important in the erection process. Damage to the nerves and blood vessels due to diabetes can affect penis function,” wrote Medical News Today, quoted Thursday (9/11/2023).

2. Fungal Infection

Genital candidiasis or genital candidiasis is a genital infection caused by candida fungi. Generally, men with diabetes experience this fungal infection repeatedly because excess sugar in the blood is excreted through urine.

“Candida fungi thrive on sugar and are more likely to grow in the penises of men with diabetes,” explains Medical News Today.

There are a number of typical symptoms of genital candidiasis, namely redness, swelling and itching around the head of the penis; unpleasant odor; penis skin appears white; and pain during sexual intercourse.

3. Muscles Weaken

Men with diabetes are prone to muscle weakness. This is because increased blood sugar causes the body to break down muscle and fat for energy so that the body’s muscle strength decreases.

Usually, people who tend to experience decreased strength and muscle weakness are people with type 1 diabetes.

4. Little semen

One of the symptoms of diabetes to watch out for is low semen. Less semen coming out during ejaculation is claimed to be a symptom of diabetes in men. Because, most of the semen that should come out through the penis instead enters the bladder.

Symptoms of Diabetes in Women

1. Fungal Infection

Similar to men, women with diabetes generally also show symptoms of genital candidiasis or genital infections caused by candida fungi. Reporting from Healthline, hyperglycemia or high blood sugar levels can trigger fungal growth. Meanwhile, symptoms of yeast infection in the vagina are itching, vaginal secretions, pain during sexual intercourse, and redness.

2. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are diseases that women are more susceptible to. This is because the size of the urinary tract in women tends to be short when compared to men, which is only around 4-5 centimeters.

“Women are more at risk of developing UTIs because women’s urethra (urinary tract) is relatively short, only 4-5 centimeters. Shorter than men’s [panjang uretra] it can reach 15-17 centimeters,” said urology specialist, Dr. Christiano Tansol to CNBC Indonesia, quoted Thursday (9/11/2023).

Quoting from Healthline, women with diabetes are more susceptible to UTIs because hyperglycemia can damage the immune system. Usually, UTI is characterized by pain when urinating, a burning sensation when urinating, and bloody or cloudy urine.

3. Vaginal Dryness

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition when the nerves are damaged due to diabetes. This damage can trigger a tingling feeling and reduce sensitivity in a number of areas of the body, such as the hands and feet.

“Diabetic neuropathy can also affect the vaginal area, causing dry symptoms,” wrote the Healthline report.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder in women of childbearing age. Generally, PCOS is characterized by the main symptoms of irregular menstruation, weight gain, acne, depression, and infertility or fertility disorders.

One of the causes of PCOS is an excess of the hormone insulin. High insulin levels can increase the production of androgen hormones and reduce the body’s sensitivity to insulin.

“PCOS is also associated with a type of insulin resistance that increases blood sugar levels and increases the risk of diabetes. Insulin resistance can be a symptom or cause of PCOS,” explains the Healthline report.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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