Jokowi’s digital ‘toll road’ is evaluated, here are the results! News – 1 hour ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is preparing a ‘toll road’ for public services through digital optimization. This is expected to have a big impact on Indonesian society.

This was conveyed by the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas at the Joint Inauguration of the Public Service Mall, Launch of JIPPNAS, and Presentation of the 2023 Public Service Award in Jakarta, Tuesday (21/11/2023).

“Yesterday the toll road was built by the President. Now, the government will build a public service toll road with digitalization through an electronic-based government system (SPBE). I invite all government agencies to continue to improve the quality of public services so that they have more impact on the wider community, said Anas.

Digital transformation in public services will make it easier for people to access services. By implementing good SPBE in public services, other indices will also be able to increase in parallel, such as perceptions of corruption, ease of doing business, and law enforcement.

Implementing digital transformation in public services can also encourage the creation of innovation in solving existing problems. “However, you need to remember that SPBE does not always have to add applications. Every innovation or new function can be integrated and interoperable into existing applications,” he continued.

One of the efforts made by the PANRB Ministry to maintain and improve the quality of public services is by monitoring and evaluating the performance of public service providers (PEKPPP). From the results of this evaluation, a Public Service Index (IPP) will be produced as a value for the quality of public services nationally.

“Based on the 2023 PEKPPP results, an IPP of 3.88 was produced which is included in the Good category. From the evaluation results it was also found that 61 ministry/institution UPPs, 26 provincial UPPs, 48 ​​district/city UPPs, and 10 BUMN UPPs received the excellent category,” said Anas.

This year’s implementation of PEKPPP has technical differences in the implementation of the evaluation compared to previous years. This year there is an independent implementation of PEKPPP, where the evaluation of public service delivery units (UPP) is carried out by the bureau/organizational division of each agency, which is then validated by the Ministry of PANRB.

This year, an evaluation was carried out on the entire scope of public services, namely administrative services, goods and services. Apart from that, there is also a special PEKPPP, where the PANRB Ministry will work directly in the priority areas for guidance carried out in the Papua Islands and East Nusa Tenggara, as well as in the state-owned logistics sector.

The basis for implementing PEKPPP refers to PermenPANRB No. 29/2022 concerning PEKPPP and PANRB Ministerial Guidelines No. 1/2022 concerning PEKPPP Instruments and Mechanisms. The PEKPPP assessment covers six aspects, namely public service policies, human resource professionalism, facilities and infrastructure, public service information systems, consultations and complaints, and public service innovation.

A total of 1,643 UPPs in the scope of ministries, institutions, regional governments and BUMN. On this occasion, awards were given to representatives from the three best in each category.

As a public service development agency, efforts to maintain the quality of public services by the PANRB Ministry are not only carried out through PEKPPP. In integrating various public services through MPP, monitoring and evaluation of MPP implementation is also carried out. To create public services that can be accessed by all levels of society, the PANRB Ministry also monitors the availability of vulnerable group-friendly infrastructure at UPP.

Apart from that, to encourage the creation of public service innovations, the Public Service Innovation Competition (KIPP) was also held. These best innovations are combined in one knowledge management system (KMS) portal, namely the National Public Service Innovation Network (JIPPNAS).

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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