Bye Tukin Besar, Indonesian Civil Servants Will Enjoy One Salary System News – 2 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Next month, November 2 2023 to be precise, the new State Civil Service Law (ASN) will soon be promulgated. In line with this, the government will prepare derivative regulations to implement a single salary for ASN.

Chairman I, Coordinator for Organizational Strengthening of the Korpri Management Board, Donny Moenek, revealed that the current single salary concept broadly combines all salary components that have previously been separate, such as child and wife allowances, rice allowances and so on, into the basic salary of state civil servants. However, only position and functional allowances will still be excluded from the calculation.

“What I understand with this scheme is of course that child and wife allowances, rice, and other allowances have all been included as components of the basic salary. Especially for position allowances and functional allowances, they will still be regulated and we will see later,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, with the single salary scheme, child and wife allowances, rice allowances and other allowances have all been included as components of the basic salary. Specifically for position allowances or functional allowances, they are still regulated separately as currently.

However, the salary component will be calculated according to the workload, weight, position and performance achievements of civil servants. Salary calculations are closely related to the assessment of employee performance and welfare.

“An employee salary system that is adjusted to the risks of the work carried out will create a fair salary system,” is quoted from the document entitled “Single Salary Discourse for Civil Servants).

The fate of civil servant Tukin

The same thing was emphasized in the Civil Apparatus Policy Brief of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) entitled Civil Servant Pay System Policy: Design of Salaries and Allowances in 2017.

This document ensures that the single salary system is a civil servant salary system that will only contain one type of income which is a combination of various income components.

The single salary system implemented consists of elements of position (salary) and allowances (performance and expensiveness) and a grading system or ranking of the value or price of the position will be determined in determining the amount of salary in several types of civil servant positions. This grading will show the position, workload, responsibilities and risks of the job.

Each grading will be divided into several stages with different rupiah values. Therefore, there is a possibility that civil servants who have the same position can get different salaries depending on the assessment of the value of the position which is seen from the workload, responsibilities and risks of the job.

The policy brief also states that performance allowances will still be included in the single salary and will be given according to civil servants’ performance achievements, serving as an addition to income or a deduction from income.

Performance allowances will be given as additional income, if civil servant performance achievements are assessed as good or very good. Performance allowances can be given as a reduction in income if the performance output is less or poor.

The amount of the performance allowance is 5% of the civil servant’s salary, the application of which is the same in every government agency, both central and regional. Therefore, in performance allowances, it is possible for civil servants who have the same position performance contract to receive different performance allowances, depending on the results of their performance achievements.

Meanwhile, the provision of dearness allowances will be calculated based on the salary index column and performance allowances in the income index table which is multiplied by the price index applicable in the area where each civil servant works. It is also stated that the amount of civil servant dearness allowance will be determined by the Presidential Regulation on Civil Servant Income.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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