Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Indonesian BUMN Minister Erick Thohir revealed that the presence of ultra micro holding is clear evidence of BUMN’s partiality towards Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), including the ultra micro segment. This breakthrough has proven capable of increasing acceleration in the development of MSMEs throughout Indonesia.
As is known, transformation in the ultra-micro financing sector which targets people’s business segments with a scale below MSMEs has become an important contributor to economic recovery. Also in improving welfare through the people’s economy. The presence of Ultra Micro Holding with the benefits that this business segment has experienced is proof of the success of the transformation carried out.
“BRI as the holding company together with PNM and Pegadaian which are members of this ultra-micro holding has become an extraordinary ecosystem for advancing our MSMEs,” said Erick recently.
The President Director of BRI Sunarso also expressed the same thing, that BRI as the parent of Ultra Micro Holding (UMi), continues to carry out transformation as milestones important in developing the MSME segment, especially ultra-micro businesses in Indonesia.
Ultra micro businesses, which previously had difficulty getting access to formal financing because they didn’t bankable, starting to have a bright spot. The presence of a holding company consisting of BRI, PNM and Pegadaian means that the ultra-micro segment has much easier access to financing to turn the wheels of their business.
The formation of UMi Holding, continued Sunarso, was carried out to integrate state-owned companies that focus on services to the micro and ultra-micro segments. To be more efficient then use outlets that are used together, products that are sold jointly cross sellingand shared systems.
“Holding in the ultra-micro sector is milestones “is important in developing the ultra-micro segment in Indonesia, and this cannot be separated from the transformation drive initiated by the Ministry of BUMN under the leadership of Mr. Erick Thohir,” said Sunarso in a written statement Wednesday (11/10/2023).
Not only that, UMi Holding even provides assistance, coaching, improving skills, and also opens up market access so that their businesses can move up in class, develop further, and of course have a positive impact on the welfare of their business actors.
Sunarso revealed that by the end of June 2023, Ultra Micro Holding had served 36 million micro and ultra micro credit customers, with a total credit value disbursed reaching IDR 577.9 trillion. Apart from financing, the micro and ultra micro segments are also recorded as deposit customers with large amounts, namely up to IDR 309 trillion (only at BRI).
To serve this segment, both BRI, PNM and Pegadaian are jointly developing co-location outlets or outlets which can be used together. From about 15,500 outlets used to serve ultra-micro and micro segment customers, as many as 1,013 outlets is co-location outlets.
Without hesitation, more than 76 thousand workers named the Madani Brigade from BRI, Pegadaian and PNM were deployed to serve micro and ultra-micro communities.
“The results of the formation of Ultra Micro Holding, I think are in line with the objectives and inline with what we aspire to. “We want as a group, in a consolidated manner to serve as many people as possible in the most efficient way possible, and then in the end the people get services at low costs,” said Sunarso.
According to Sunarso, UMi Holding is a very adequate source of new growth. This is because the source of growth is directed towards the lower segments. “Below what we call ultra-micro, there are still abundant sources of growth. The important thing is that we can manage them appropriately,” said Sunarso.
In line with digital transformation and culture run by BRI, the company changed its business model by increasingly prioritizing the empowerment aspect. In this way, it makes it easier for BRI to accelerate business actors to move up in class through the ultra-micro ecosystem.
Apart from strength engine Human resources as the spearhead in serving ultra-micro customers, UMi Holding is also strengthened with technology to further strengthen it business processes. This step in digitalizing UMi Holding cannot be separated from the digital transformation implemented by BRI groups.
Most recently, BRI together with Pegadaian and PNM recently launched the SenyuM Mobile application. This breakthrough is to provide equal and integrated access to formal financial services. This application, which can be accessed by all levels of society, especially the ultra micro segment, offers easy access to various formal financial products and services from the 3 holding entities (BRI, Pegadaian, PNM).
It is hoped that the presence of the SenyuM Mobile application can increase financial inclusion and people’s standard of living. Thus, SenyuM Mobile will play a strategic role in reaching the ultra-micro community to the deepest layers.
This application also allows ultra-micro customers to access 3 Entities’ financial services directly, anywhere and anytime while running a business, especially for savings and investment products. That way access to formal finance will be easier and very close to them.
In addition, to accelerate service penetration, UMi Holding formed a work culture synergy team called “BRIGADE MADANI”. Activation of the “MADANI BRIGADE” program itself is part of the ultra-micro ecosystem synergy movement.
BRIGADE MADANI which is an acronym for BRI, Gade (Pegadaian) and Madani (Madani National Capital) is aimed at internalizing AKHLAK Core Values, accelerating the achievement of business targets and strategic initiatives, as well as strengthening the resilience of MSMEs and accelerating financial inclusion where the Ultra Micro synergy is targeted to be able to serve new customers in the ultra micro segment and can drive the people’s economy.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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Originally posted 2023-10-11 03:56:20.