09:20 Tech A Look Busy Businesses Using AI, Is Infrastructure & Security Adequate? Tech – 27 minutes ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia- Country Manager Enterprise and Public Sector, Google Cloud Indonesia, Anang Efendy is optimistic about the development of the cloud industry in Indonesia in line with the massive growth of digital information in the country.

However, there are a number of challenges for the Indonesian cloud industry, one of which is related to adequate internet connection infrastructure to expand cloud services in the country. Apart from that, strengthening the data security system is also an important key in developing cloud services.

What are the prospects and challenges for cloud services in Indonesia? For complete details, see Anneke Wijaya’s dialogue with Country Manager Enterprise and Public Sector, Google Cloud Indonesia, Anang Efendy in Profit,CNBCIndonesia (Friday, 27/10/2023)

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