Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The number of Indonesian workers based on the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) in August 2023 is 147.71 people.
Of that total, 139.85 million people were employed in the world of work, and 7.86 million people were unemployed. However, the majority of workers work as informal and minimal workers who are absorbed by manufacturing or processing industries.
Acting Head of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said that the highest growth in labor absorption in August 2023 was mostly in the accommodation and food and beverage business sector with 1.18 million people, followed by the construction sector with 770 thousand people, and agriculture with 750 thousand people.
“The three business fields that absorb the most workers are accommodation and food and beverage at 1.18 million, followed by construction and agriculture,” said Amalia during a press conference at her office, Jakarta, Monday (6/11/2023).
Labor absorption in the manufacturing or processing industry in the survey period was only 180 thousand people, the trade sector 360 thousand people, education 410 thousand people, mining and quarrying 130 thousand people, real estate 30 thousand people, and financial and insurance activities 10 thousand people.
The business fields that actually experienced a decrease in absorption included health activities and social activities with minus 30 thousand people, information and communication with minus 20 thousand people, and water, waste and recycling treatment with minus 20 thousand people.
In terms of employment status, in August 2023, the majority of the working population will have the status of workers/employees/employees, namely 37.68%, while those with the least employment status will be assisted by permanent and paid workers, namely 3.21%.
Compared to August 2022, the status of self-employed businesses, businesses assisted by permanent and paid workers, and workers/employees/employees have increased, respectively by 0.99% points, 0.17% points and 0.02% points.
Meanwhile, the population working in informal activities is 82.67 million people with a share of 59.11%, while those working in formal activities are 57.18 million people or the equivalent of 40.89%. Compared to August 2022, the percentage of the population working in formal activities has increased by 0.20% points.
If referred to according to working hours, full-time workers or those who work at least 35 hours per week are still the majority with a percentage of 68.92% in August 2023. The remaining 31.08% are non-full-time workers or work less than 35 hours per week .
Full-time workers are grouped into two categories, namely underemployed with a share of 6.68% and part-time workers with 24.40%. Compared to August 2022, the percentage of non-full workers has decreased by 0.46% points.
“In August 2023, the percentage of full-time workers will be 0.46% compared to last year. The proportion of full-time workers continues to increase but has still not returned to pre-pandemic levels (71.04% in August 2019),” stressed Amalia.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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