Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Maybe you’ve heard the story of a debt collector towing a debtor’s car that was still in installments. And not infrequently, there are elements of threats or harsh treatment that occur, which results in unrest.
Collection of debt installments should be carried out through the internal desk collector division of the relevant finance company, however the credit granting company can also use the services of a third party which is often called a debt collector if there is a breach of contract with the debtor.
In practice, debt collectors should not be able to act by simply towing the vehicle of a debtor who is in arrears on installments.
The following are things that debt collectors must have and can be investigated directly by debtors.
Official documents
People who work on behalf of debt collectors must of course have a letter of assignment and bring a power of attorney given by the finance company to the debt collection service company.
Collecting officers must also show a professional certificate in the field of billing from a professional certification institution in the field of financing registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Apart from that, they must also bring documentary evidence of debtors who have defaulted on installment payments, as well as a copy of the fiduciary guarantee certificate.
Obviously, without showing these documents, they have no right to play as long as they tow the debtor’s vehicle.
It must not harm consumers in any way
As stated in POJK Number 6/POJK.07/2022 Concerning Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector, finance companies must prevent third parties from carrying out any actions that abuse their authority, which will result in harm to consumers.
When a third party makes a mistake or negligence, the finance company must be responsible for all of this.
Debtors should be able to report this to the police if there are arbitrary actions taken by debt collectors.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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Originally posted 2023-10-17 23:30:00.