Don’t Regulate AI Technology! Germany, France and Italy Agree Tech – 4 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – France, Germany and Italy agree on how to regulate artificial intelligence (AI). The regulatory framework prepared by the three countries will become the basis for regulations in the European region.

The three-nation agreement includes a “self-regulation obligation through a code of conduct” for AI foundation models.

The document resulting from the agreement between the three countries quoted by Reuters stated, “together we underline that the AI ​​Law regulates the application of AI, not the technology. The risk lies in the application of AI, not the technology itself.”

The European Commission, European Parliament and European Council are currently discussing the European Union’s position on AI technology.

The document explains that developers of AI foundation models must provide a definition of the “model card,” which is information about the machine learning model used.

“Includes relevant information to understand how the model functions, its capabilities, and its limits based on best practices in the developer community.”

Then, “AI governance bodies can help develop guidelines and check the application of the model cards.”

Sanctions, according to the agreement document, will be imposed if violations of the code of conduct are found within a certain period.

The German Economy Ministry said laws and governments should be designed to regulate the application of AI, not regulate AI.

“We must regulate the application and not the technology if we want to play at the top level in the world of AI,” said German Digital Affairs Minister Volker Wissing.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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