Single Salary Civil Servants Single Salary: Lazy Civil Servants May Not Get Performance Allowances News – 2 hours ago

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The implementation of a single salary system or single salary scheme for Civil Servants (PNS) will be more stringent in selecting state servants who are lazy about working. Civil servants who perform poorly will not take home awards in the form of performance incentives.

“We want to improve the salary system and performance incentive system. People who perform should get performance incentives, people who don’t perform shouldn’t,” said Alex at the DPR Building, Tuesday (31/10/2023).

Alex explained that single salary is not a salary system that only combines the basic salary with the performance allowances that civil servants have received so far. He said the government would create a new formula regarding basic salary.

The formula will contain salary ranges based on position, as well as other variables that need to be considered as factors in determining salary levels. He said the salary range was being discussed with the Ministry of Finance. “We’re doing a simulation with friends at the Ministry of Finance,” he said.

Meanwhile, for performance allowances, he said, the government has its own evaluation. He said the amount of performance allowances is currently only determined by the employee’s position. In fact, he said, performance allowances should be determined by the employee’s work achievements. “In the future it won’t be like that anymore, my performance will determine the amount of the ‘performance allowance’,” he said.

Alex said that the term performance allowance in single salary would also be removed. He said the term allowance was inaccurate, because it gave the impression that additional income would definitely be given to civil servants, regardless of their performance.

He said the government plans to use the words total reward or performance incentive. This name was chosen because the amount of money that civil servants can take home really depends on their performance assessment. “People who perform must receive work incentives,” he said.

He said the amount of the job incentive was still being worked out by the government. He said the government was still looking for benchmarks that could be used to determine the size of the reward that employees could receive.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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